City wind power



Thanks to this urban wind turbine, energy can be available in the home to supply the electricity consumption of a house.

Stop paying the electricity bill
Thanks to this device, called urban wind turbine, it is possible to have wind energy in the home with which to supply the electricity consumption of the whole family without having to pay the electricity company.
This miniature windmill can produce 400 kilowatts per year. The wind turbine is placed on the roof of the house, as if it were a satellite dish or directly connected to the electrical network of your home.
This domestic wind turbine can generate 400 Kw a year, and the consumption of a house is 400 watts per month. That is, with the wind turbine a family can self-manage the average consumption of electricity.
The wind turbine can be installed in urban spaces, since it does not emit any noise or vibrations. «It complies with all noise emission regulations and, in addition, does not transmit vibrations to the home in which it is installed
Control module:

The generator is operated autonomously to obtain the maximum possible energy even at lower wind speeds.
In case the wind speed is very high, the generator is limited by reducing its number of revolutions
It has a text screen that provides information about your status.

Converter module:

It has the latest converter technology and the latest generation of semiconductors.
It lacks electrolytic capacitors, which would shorten its useful life.
Automatically recognizes the frequency and voltage of the network.
When there is no connection to the network, it automatically disconnects
It autonomously recognizes the cuts in the network and their subsequent restoration.

Load regulating system:

 The accumulator is charged by means of a specific diagram that optimizes its useful life.
In case of low charge of the accumulator, a formatting load is carried out, which regenerates its surface.
It has constant current load with 0.1 AC (load current 10% of nominal capacity) to charge as quickly as possible.
The final charge is carried out with a small increase in voltage, until the internal resistance of the accumulator rises.
Load in suspension to compensate the self-discharge of the accumulator.
It detects defective accumulators by calculating the charged energy, which must match the size of the accumulator set.
The load is automatically disconnected to protect it from total discharges, which shorten its useful life.
