AtlasX 4 kW low vibration and noise wind turbine



AtlasX wind turbine perfect for areas where there is low wind speed and is easy to install.
4 kW vertical axis wind generator with low vibration and noise. With its compact shape, it has the lowest initial wind speed and largest wind catchment area, allowing it to generate electricity at lower wind speeds. Its aluminum body is perfect for heating and cooling effect of the stator. Quieter wind turbine blades with an improved redesigned design. Thanks to TESUP’s experience in aluminum manufacturing, the rotor blades are very durable and stable, at the same time very light.
The body of the generator is equipped with cooling fins and is made of aluminum. The maintenance-free sliding contact (no charcoal) ensures good current flow and therefore no twisting of the cable on the pole.

This TESUP wind turbine has a permanent magnet generator with strong N42 neodymium magnets with steel grooves inside. The wind turbine can start its rotation at a wind speed of 4 m/s. But once it has started to spin, it can generate power even at a wind speed of 3 m/s. The wind turbine generates AC (alternative current), to charge your DC batteries or to power a grid inverter, you may also need to purchase a TESUP wind charge controller.

This wind turbine has one of TESUP’s high performance electric generators. Once a hurricane of scale III (50-58m/s) or above occurs, please cover the wind turbine blades. Once the wind turbine blades are covered, they cannot catch the wind and this will protect the wind turbine from the hurricane.
* Easy installation in 30 minutes
* Shark shaped blades, perfect for low wind speed areas
* 4 kW at 15 m/s wind speed, powered by TESUP 5 kW
* Better gain compared
This wind turbine includes a standard 1-year free warranty for the TesupCare product.
