Energy saving system of 1 kW / day



Micro Solar Kit Revoluziona for energy saving with a solar panel 240W and 250W micro-inverter MAC
The system generates approximately 1 kW day
Generate your own energy and save on your electricity bill, you can partially cover their electricity consumption greater or lesser extent depending on the size of the installed kit.
The system can be installed in homes city, village or field.
The kit is amortized quickly and faster and faster due to the continuous increases of light.
The panels can be installed on roofs, covered terraces and even on the floor, the only condition is that gives them the sun as many hours as possible.
How you save?
The system produces in the downtown area between 800W on a winter day and 1.250W on a summer day, assuming an average daily 1000W savings would be about 85 eurs a year, bringing in less than six years would have amortized equipment and would free electricity over 20 years.
SAVING KIT MICRO KIT is made with:

1 Polycrystalline 240Wp photovoltaic panel.
1 Microinverter MAC 250W

The system can be extended up to max. 16 panels and investors. That is, until a total of 3.6 Kw
Optional SMI S system allows computer control thanks to its Wirless connection anywhere in the facility. Via computer all necessary data in total and for each panel are received
