Forced ventilation solar extractor



Extractor that uses solar energy to operate. A system that meets all standards of energy efficiency.

Our system is based on the use of at least one drive module that introduces fresh air (in the case is not sufficiently ensured that the air inlet)and another module that makes the exhaust hot and stale air workplace.

Innovation is the application of photovoltaic solar energy using a DC motorat low voltage, which allows us to speed a variable rate according to theneed for extraction, since the capacity of the system goes in parallel the intensity of solar radiation. This solar radiation is ultimately causing thebiggest problem, the temperature rise inside the premises.

Ventilation System with Photovoltaic

The renewal of air in workplaces and facilities that generate gases or odors, is covered by Royal Decree RD 486/1997, in the anexoIII, corresponding to the environmental conditions of the workplace, establishes certain values ??with respect to temperature and humidity, and itreads:
“The ventilation system used and in particular the distribution of inputs and outputs clean air of foul air, should ensure effective air renewal of the workplace.”

With reference to the building, the Technical Code on its core documentHS 3, indoor air quality, specified in paragraph 3.1.1 that the houses must have a general ventilation system may be hybrid or mechanical.
