Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter



The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter, an advanced inverter that offers to work in isolation and/or self-consumption.
Characteristics of the Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter
The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter is a grid-connected inverter with single-phase output that offers the possibility of working with batteries in order to maximize its utility.
Its best feature is that it allows you to work with full functionality both connected to the network and in isolated mode. Connected to the network, it can discharge production surpluses or configure a 0 discharge.
Batteries can also be installed to have a self-consumption system connected to the network, or disconnect from the network and work in isolated mode with solar production and battery energy. If it works in isolated mode, it allows the connection of a generator as support to compensate for moments of low production. 

The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter has advanced battery management. Improvement to the previous version of the Sun Storage range with a maximum current of 66A to and from the battery, and can also work between 40 and 450V of voltage in them.
Its great versatility with batteries allows us to work with lead-acid and also with lithium, being compatible with many brands on the market such as LG, BYD and Pylontech. For lithium batteries, it uses communications through the CAN Bus 2.0 protocol.
The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter manages the batteries with advanced charge and discharge controls that guarantee their maximum useful life, since its hybrid operation in isolated mode does not pass all the current produced by the solar panels through of them.
In the mode connected to the grid for self-consumption, the surplus energy from panels that is not consumed is saved so that it can be used later at times of low production or at night. If it discharges below the predetermined threshold, the inverter stops extracting energy from the battery and starts consuming from the electrical grid until the sun is able to assume the loads again.
In the Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter, all the batteries are connected in series, thanks to its high working range. For the 3000W model, due to its maximum charge and discharge current of 66A, it is recommended to work with a minimum of 48V, while for the 6kW model it is recommended to work with a minimum battery voltage of 100V. However, the system will be more efficient at higher battery voltages.
This system allows, if we use modular type lead or lithium batteries, to expand the batteries one by one, always within the voltage limits set by the inverter. This system is perfect, since it does not require battery maintenance in which all the batteries have to be changed at once, but rather it must be kept little by little, changing the batteries that are in poor condition as a result of their use.
The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter, working in isolated mode, is compatible with any auxiliary generator, whether gasoline or diesel, it incorporates a battery charger that allows the batteries to be charged through the generator when they are completely discharged and also a contact free of potential that can be used to send the automatic start signal to a generator that has said interface.
The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter incorporates a solar panel input for each of its 2 MPPT. With a working range of between 125 and 480V, it admits a maximum power in the photovoltaic field of 11.5kWp and a maximum open circuit voltage of 550V.
The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter is guaranteed for 5 years, offering maximum quality for this Spanish brand. Ingeteam inverters comply with strict manufacturing quality controls at its facilities.
The protections of the Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter are as follows:
– AC surges.
– Insulation faults.
– Short circuits and overloads at the output.
– DC disconnector for the photovoltaic field.
– Anti-islanding protection with automatic disconnection.
The Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter is capable of operating in the following modes:
Direct panel mode: In this mode, being connected to the electrical network, the inverter directly produces energy when we have direct solar resources, that is, the inverter converts to 230V single-phase as long as there is sun at that very moment to do so. It can be configured to discharge 0 or discharge surplus solar production that is not used into the network.
Self-consumption mode: It is the result of adding a battery to the previous mode, it is about consuming the energy directly from the panels while we have sun at that moment, in the event that the panels produce more energy than we are consuming, this is used to charge the batteries.
Energy will be extracted from them to be used during night hours or low production. You can choose whether to charge the battery from the network or only do it with solar energy to maximize savings.
Back Up Mode: When in self-consumption mode we have a network that drops frequently, we can configure the Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Storage 3TL M Hybrid Inverter to keep the batteries constantly charged. If the network goes down, the fast power transfer time is barely noticeable for most connected loads. The power output is maintained as the inverter generates the AC network to cover the critical loads.
Isolated mode: In a place where there is no electrical network, we can have the advanced operation that this inverter can offer. Ingeteam acts as the manager of the AC network, combining energy from batteries and solar production. In addition, it allows the use of an auxiliary generator to recharge the batteries that can be controlled by the signal that the inverter can provide.
