Kit daily consumption of 5.175W



Team electric consumption for a production of 5175 W per day.
is an inverter / charger with 3000W power, Maximizer incorporates MPPT Charge integrated, insulated Galvanic.
operates independently of the grid, with three energy sources: photovoltaic modules, batteries and AC (can be a group or own electric grid).
with this kit, you can meet your electrical consumption home, if there is more than consumed it flushes out the batteries and if there over, never, IN NO EVENT flushes MAINS El Sobrante, avoiding all the problems and inconvenience this may cause …
Similarly, if you have a higher consumption than produced by the modules, support takes batteries or AC power to fill this gap.
The operation is the same as an off-grid, but acting for our direct consumption as well as the accumulated surplus in batteries for later use at night of the load.
Solar Production 5.175Wh / d

5 YSP SOLAR photovoltaic modules 230W. 30HT
4 batteries ROLLS-125 (166 Ah/48V) (3984Wh Stored)
1 STRUCTURE 5 ml for sloping roof.
