Lithium Battery 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V



The Narada 48NPFC100 Battery stands out for its integrated BMS module, the remote control facilitates the proper functioning of the battery.
Information Lithium Battery 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V
The Narada 48NPFC100 lithium battery is within the Narada NPFC series that is characterized by a set of 48V LiFePO (Lithium Iron 4 Phosphate) batteries, these batteries are intended for a wide variety of applications as long as the use of the accumulator is demanding, since it is a battery with high performance.
The Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery integrates an intelligent BMS module that allows administration, centralized remote support and monitoring of batteries (voltage, current, temperature of the cells and of each module, overload protections, etc.), and management and remote maintenance of the battery, in this way the balance of each cell is achieved, and the current is limited during the charging process to guarantee the safety and efficiency of the NPFC100 battery.
Therefore, Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery is an excellent choice for mobile communications and access network equipment, transmission equipment, micro base stations and microwave communication equipment.
In addition, the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery has two RS485 ports and one RS232 port on the front that allows the parallel connection of the modules.
Another of the characteristics of the Narada 48NPFC100 lithium battery is its modular nature and simplicity for connecting them in parallel, that is, depending on the needs and requirements of the installation and consumption, as many batteries can be connected in parallel as possible always respecting the limits established by the manufacturer, in this case the manufacturer recommends connecting a maximum of 8 units in parallel, although up to 16 can be connected.
Technical characteristics of the Lithium Battery 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V
The features that define the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh battery are:
– It is a LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) battery, so due to its internal technology it has all the advantages inherent to the latest generation lithium batteries.
– The Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery has a high energy density and light weight compared to other batteries on the market with similar technical characteristics, which implies savings in the necessary space.
– Due to the internal technology of the battery, it enjoys a long useful life even when its usual expected use is for deep cycles.
– It is a battery with a fast charging capacity compared to other batteries of a similar range, so waiting times are minimized.
– The Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery has an integrated battery management system (BMS) that, by controlling temperature, voltage, etc., guarantees both the safety of the accumulator and the integrity of the rest of the connected elements, optimizing battery performance at all times.
– The battery has RS485 ports to make parallel connections and thus increase the capacity of the system, specifically up to 8 batteries can be connected in parallel, one of them being the master and the other 7 the slaves.
– The front part of the battery incorporates an LED light that indicates the percentage of remaining energy autonomy.
– The Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh battery has a low self-discharge rate and no memory effect.
– This battery does not emit gases during its operation or at rest, which allows you to install the battery inside the house if you wish.
– Since it is a lithium battery, it does not require maintenance or periodic control of its internal levels, so after installation it does not require handling.
– Although the above points define the nature and operation of the battery, without a doubt the characteristic that makes the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery one of the most efficient on the market is its discharge capacity, since this battery It is capable of being discharged 100%, since its useful capacity and its real capacity are the same, something that does not happen in the rest of lithium batteries.
The performance curves of the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery are shown below: 

Physical description of the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery
The Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery has moderate dimensions since it measures 3U, which implies a reduction in size compared to the previous model from this manufacturer. The weight of this lithium battery is considerable, since it weighs 44Kg, hence it is recommended to have the necessary means for its correct handling and installation. 

Software and communication Lithium Battery 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V
For the connection of the Lithium Battery 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V, a 485 converter cable is necessary to be able to connect it to a PC. The Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery does not have a Wi-Fi connection. If you want to connect the battery via a Wi-Fi network, there are equipment that allow you to do so.

Lithium Battery Front Panel Layout 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V 

– 1 Switch
– 2 SOC: Capacity Indicator
There are four green LED lights on the front panel that indicate charging status. Each SOC LED light represents 25% of the nominal capacity.
– 3 ALM: Alarm indicator
Red LED on the front panel indicating alarms.
– 4 RUN: Run status indicator
Green LED on the front panel indicating the operating status.
– 5 Dips: the battery has 6 beeps, but only the first 4 are operational.
These dips allow the configuration of the number of connected batteries. The ADD port is applicable to modules connected in parallel. ADD is made up of six binary bits, of which only the first four are functional.
– 6 RS232: Communication port
– 7 RS485: Communication port for parallel connection of modules
It is adopting RS485 serial two port communication patterns to upload data. The communication of the modules connected in parallel (slave PACK) is available through the RS485 ports. Data from the slave PACKs will be transmitted to the master PACK.
– 8 positive terminal
– 9 negative terminal
Differences of the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery compared to its predecessor model
The Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery maintains the excellent technical characteristics that its predecessor model already enjoyed with the particularity that the new model measures 3U, that is, the height of the battery is smaller, so that it can be connected in parallel (as recommended by the manufacturer) more Narada batteries in the same space.
This Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery model allows the connection of a larger cable section, reducing the temperature of the battery during long periods of operation and making it an excellent option for the most demanding photovoltaic installations.
Another of the particularities that the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery enjoys compared to its previous model is that the size of the terminals of this Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery is M8 while the previous model had with M6 terminals.
In short, this Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery has maintained the competitive technical characteristics of its previous model and includes the improvements that the photovoltaic sector and the nature of the battery require, making this modular lithium battery an even more attractive option.
Common uses of the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh Lithium Battery
As defined above, the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery is prepared to work in the most demanding conditions and when high efficiency and energy autonomy are required, therefore, among its most common uses, the electricity sector stands out telecommunications, UPS and the photovoltaic sector.
Within the photovoltaic sector, this battery is intended for larger installations (such as large homes, industrial buildings, hotels, etc.) that require a durable source of energy autonomy, even when the solar panels are not receiving photovoltaic energy.
Lithium Battery Care 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V
Although the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery does not require periodic maintenance like open lead acid batteries or other batteries on the market, it is recommended that the NPFC100 battery have basic care.
It is important to charge the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh lithium battery every 3 months if it is stored for a long time, in order to maintain the charge at its optimal levels, it is also convenient to clean the dust when it accumulates in the ventilation, for this use a clean and dry cloth or cloth, if you require the use of a soap always use neutral soap.
For the correct transport and handling of the battery, it is advisable not to exert excessive pressure on its casing. After installation, it is advisable to periodically check the correct tightening of the screws every two years approximately.
Installation of the Lithium Battery 4.8kWh Narada 48NPFC100 48V
The manufacturer of the 48 NPFV100 battery recommends that the installation of the battery be carried out by a professional with previous experience, since the process can be somewhat complex for someone without previous knowledge in this regard.
It is important not to install the battery in a place exposed to direct sunlight and heat sources, as well as low humidity and in a clean environment. It is very important that the accumulator is not placed on any cable, as it could damage it due to its weight.
Due to the structure of the Narada 48NPFC100 48V 4.8kWh battery, each unit or module is stackable and can be installed within the structure offered by the same manufacturer. This structure must be securely hung on the wall following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
